d2c for consumer brands, a rising trend powered by omnichannel

D2C For Consumer Brands, A Rising Trend Powered by Omnichannel

Omnichannel marketing is the deep integration of multiple layers of services for an excellent customer experience. And brands are adopting this model as they are shifting from traditional marketing towards D2C where they directly sell to consumers without distributors or middlemen. As the model makes it easier for brands to understand their consumers,  we take a look at the reasons why this model is becoming popular.

Integrated shopping experience

Shopping as an experience has undergone a major change towards making it a convenient purchasing experience. And the shift toward convenience has blurred the line between online buying and its integration at physical stores. The omnichannel model gives fashion brands the power of technology to boost their customer relationships and bridge the supply-demand gap.

Personalized product strategy

A personalized purchasing experience for consumers is the prime area of focus for D2C fashion brands that are following the omnichannel business model. As consumers expect the same on D2C websites, brands have been upscaling their process to provide an integrated experience for them. Brands are now clubbing search, review, and augmented reality onto their websites for customers to purchase products with ease.

Appealing to Customers

A D2C website gives the brand the power to showcase its story and vision in the most unique way. The color, design, look and feel of the website can be made to appeal to its target audience. While deep innovation may not possible on marketplaces, D2C websites help build a personalized relationship with the customer.

Higher brand recall value

Omnichannel model disrupts the traditional business model using digital mediums so customers can purchase from multiple channels. From virtual trial mirrors, tips and hacks, fashion brands offer personalized services to cater to a consumer’s style and needs. This not only creates a customer-friendly experience but also higher brand recall value and brand loyalty. It helps brands optimize their marketing ROI with better pricing and increased brand engagement.

Understanding and mastering the customer journey has become significant to stay relevant in the market. Also, by directly selling to customers, brands use first-party data to understand consumers and create a better experience for them. Data-driven strategies on consumer behavior will make this process a success.

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